
Our sampling services are fast, reliable and confidential.

You don't need a doctor's prescription to benefit.
We offer a discreet and effective solution for your screening needs.

Whooping Cough
300.00 taxes included
  • Contagious respiratory infection
  • Symptoms: Cough, fever, runny nose and difficulty breathing
  • Prescription sent to pharmacy if positive
  • Consultation with a Health professional
  • Receipt for insurance claim included
Strep - Rapid Test
60.00 taxes included

Strep Test

  • Results in 15 minutes
  • No requisition needed
  • If negative, a throat culture is suggested
  • Prescription sent to pharmacy if positive
  • Receipt for insurance claim included
Strep - Throat Culture
150.00 taxes included

Strep Test

  • Consultation with healthcare professional
  • Throat culture
  • Results within 24h
  • Prescription sent to pharmacy if positive
  • Receipt for insurance claim included
Blood Test
125.00 taxes included
  • Consultation and requisition included
  • Results within 24 hours
  • Beta HCG pregnancy test
  • Accurate test to confirm pregnancy
  • Receipt for insurance claim included

* Please note that results may take longer than expected
depending on the time and day of your appointment.

How it works

Prenez votre rendez-vous
STEP 1 Book your appointment

Select the tests you'd like to perform, choose a day and time to suit you, and schedule your booking in just a few minutes.

Allez à la clinique et faites-vous dépister
STEP 2 Go to the clinic and get tested

Come to the clinic of your choice, where a nurse will meet you and take confidential samples. The whole process takes 15 to 20 minutes.

Recevez vos résultats par courriel
STEP 3 Receive your results by e-mail

Results will be sent within 24 hours of your visit. Some results will be sent the same day. If necessary, you will also receive information on any medication/treatment required.

Frequently Asked Questions